Make Your Mark

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Transformational Client Experience


Your salon’s image is composed of hundreds of little connected fragments of client perception. Your logo, your business card, the retail products you carry, the way you dress, your salon’s interior, exterior, the way a client was treated by your receptionist and then what she told her friends about you. Every little interaction and every way your clients come into contact with you, your staff and your salon comes together to create an image. It all builds up to create your brand. Stated another way, your brand = what you stand for; but not just in your mind: primarily in the minds of your clients.

Knowing that, it's important to strive to make each of these little interactions and perceptions add up to something that you intend—something that will keep your clients coming back with such a passion that they can’t live without you. Creating a Transformational Client Experience is the single most important step you can take inside your salon, and it is one where you have an enormous amount of control. It's far more powerful than any advertisement, direct mail, or special offer--and you can invest in it every single day.

The purpose of this post is to introduce you to the concept of Transformational Client Experience (TCE) and to assure you it can be useful and real at the salon level. You can put the concepts of TCE into action and see immediate results in terms of client satisfaction and the development of your brand.

From the time a new client starts looking for a new salon, to the time they rebook their appointments, to the time they refer their friends; you are in relationship with them. The more responsibility you take for how they perceive and experience your brand the more opportunity you have to make a good impression, satisfy their needs, and develop a positive lasting image in their minds. The less you leave to chance, the more opportunity you have to manage your brand. But, of course, this comes with responsibility; it requires you to think outside your four walls, beyond the time your client spends in your chair, and it requires a clear plan of action.

If you would like to learn more about creating a Transformational Client Experience for your salon, please contact me.

Jim Lucas
Séva Education
(925) 980-7871

© Copyright Jim Lucas 2009-2010 All Rights Reserved


  1. Improve your salons image with full color appointment cards. Our full color business cards are a perfect solution. Ask us how we can help.

  2. Love this new avenue. I will be following.


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