Make Your Mark

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Don’t Be Just Another Pretty Space


You’ve built up your clientele and your confidence. You’ve saved up some money, you’ve been studying other salons, and you know what you want to do when you open your own place. You spent a lot of time thinking about the look you want to create, the kind of vibe you want, and you even came up with a great name for your new salon.

After a couple years the word has gotten around. You’ve built a reputation and you’re proud of what you created. Even though it’s touch-and-go the salon is getting busier and recently you were even able to take a few days off. Things are going well but it’s ironic because with all the expenses you’ve had to cover, and all the time you spend working, you’re thinking maybe you used to make more money before the salon.

You’re on a roll! The salon is pretty much full and all your stylists are making more money than they ever have. If it weren’t for that big expense that came up last year you would’ve made more money too. The salon still looks great, for the most part, and you’re thinking you might just make a profit this year.

O.K., let’s jump in here: We hear these stories frequently. The details are different but the pattern is pretty consistent with any small business. You develop your talent, your momentum; you take a big risk and you take it one day at a time as you work to establish yourself and hope to do more.

No matter where you are in your progression Séva Education wants to make sure your story includes the words: Thriving Salon. You dreamed of doing things differently, creating something special, and actually making your mark on the business. To do that you need to look beyond creating just another pretty space and sink your teeth into some strong client experience expertise, branding knowledge, and operating know how. There are no guarantees in business—much less any assurance that you’ll get lucky. But with Séva Education you can improve the odds in your favor.

If you would like to develop your business education, much like you do your artistic skills, please contact me. I’d love to show you how we can develop Your Thriving Salon together.

Jim Lucas
Séva Education
(925) 980-7871

© Copyright Jim Lucas 2009-2010 All Rights Reserved

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