Make Your Mark

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Integrated Marketing


There are many ways you market your salon. The most obvious marketing example for many salon owners is when they take out an ad in the local newspaper. An example that may not be quite so obvious is the way you greet your clients—and there are endless examples of marketing in between.

We understand clients and prospective clients don’t notice each and every one of our marketing tactics, and we know they may not fully concentrate on the marketing they do notice. So, it doesn’t take much for us to imagine how a prospective client may glance at our ad, notice our sign, peek in the window of our salon as they walk by, and then hear something about our salon word-of-mouth. Over a few weeks, she pulls together the bits and pieces of what she perceives about our salon and starts to form an image about us in her mind.

Integrated Marketing is an approach to marketing that was developed to make the most of the haphazard, fragmented way that clients are exposed to and absorb marketing messages. In short, Integrated Marketing tells us that everything we put out there about our salon must be well thought out, consistent, and self-reinforcing. In that way, we improve the chance that the fragments of our image, which clients carry around in their heads, add up to something we actually intended for them to think.

If you would like to learn how to improve your marketing by applying the principles of Integrated Marketing please contact me.

Jim Lucas
Séva Education
(925) 980-7871

© Copyright Jim Lucas 2009-2010 All Rights Reserved

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